August 5th, 2014
Optimization / Media
Capriotti's Sandwich Shop

01. The Challenge & Solution


Even before COVID the restaurant industry operated on thin margins. Today, the surviving restaurants and restaurant groups have successfully pivoted to digital operations as a lynchpin of their future business model. Delivery, Catering and To-Go have vastly increased their real estate in revenue mix breakdowns across the world. If you do not have a strong in-house digital infrastructure and the ad dollars to support it, you should at least have a team that is experienced in multi-brand-multi-unit operations and marketing. That is Music City Digital and our principal David Becklean, who started his career as IT and Social Media Manager for both Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop and Papa John’s Pizza, managing all digital and 4-walls marketing programs for 19 stores in 3 different states. 

“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure.
It is: Try to please everybody.”
– Herbert Bayard Swope

02. Working Process

Whether you have a single unique concept or a muli-unit operation. We have proven digital marketing strategies utilizing Social Media and PPC Advertising that will increase your incremental sales and grow your customer base. We look at your situation and plan a digital campaign that is unique to your business. 

03. Perfect Result

In Addition to Multi Unit marketing, we have also helped Fine Dining, Alcohol and Non-Traditional models increase their sales and marketing databases. Email Marketing and SMS Text Messaging are particular useful for restaurants during a pandemic or not.