
Higher Education Google Ads Audit

Google Ads and Analytics – American Academy of Dramatic Arts


Prepared by David Becklean


Analysis Period: 2 years back to Jan 2020

Special Questions: None

Google Ads

  • Campaign Structure, Networks & Bid Strategies – 4 Active Campaigns present in the look back period with 3 Search and 1 Display campaigns. The vast majority of the spend has been in the “Search Terms and Phrases” Campaign with ~$61K. This campaign looks to be supported by a Display Retargeting Campaign called “New – Retargeting” . Both of these campaigns are set to Maximize Conversion, Google Search Partners is enabled on Search. In that time the account spent ~$70K to serve 4.21M Impressions, generating 108,000 Clicks to website and 1,500 conversions. The CTR on Ads was 2.57% and conversion rate was 1.39% , Average CPC was $0.62.
  • Initial thoughts are the account has been display heavy which has driven impressions and brand awareness but not necessarily conversion actions and leads. This may be typical of a niche scenario in this education / arts intersection we are pursuing. CTR and Conversion Rates seem just above minimum tolerance for performance. I like to see at least a 2% CTR and 1% conversion rate.  CTR on Display New -Retargeting  was 0.23% which is low , even for display. Likewise this campaign generated 4 conversions. The Search campaign has generated almost all conversion to date. Impressions are definitely display-biased but even the Search Campaign generated 1.5M impressions and had a 6.31% CTR which is Good, however the conversions rate should also be higher with that CTR. Landing Pages may be something to look at in terms of increasing overall conversions.
  • Recommendations: Obviously we have to maintain and improve search campaigns, the retargeting campaigns need to be overhauled in terms of targeting and making sure we have appropriate Google Ads and Analytics-based remarketing lists that are serving.I think we can get a 1% CTR on display with an appropriately tuned campaign.  We recommend removing Search Partners from the search campaigns. This will focus ad spend and impression share within the SERP and not outside of it, which should improve Conversion Rates. Maximize Conversions is the right strategy here, the low-volume and unpredictable search behavior coupled with low budgets means we should stay flexible and let the System produce when it has the opportunity to do so.  The Branded/School Name Campaign also did really well and some sort of “Competitors” campaign may make sense if there are comparable programs and we can target their organizational names.
    • We recommend establishing baseline market data with the Max Conversions bid strategy for 2-3 months and then shift to a Max Conversions TCPA Bid Strategy once we have a better idea of fair market value of the CPA.
  • Ads & Extensions – Top performing add copy is screenshotted out below. I think it’s important to note that the LA acting schools ad group with the top performing with 569 conversions,  other top performing add groups include the generic acting school ads and the New York-specific campaign. Pay special attention to the school names Campaign which had an outstanding 16.67% click-through rate and generated great results from limited spend. The top three ad types are all responsible search ads, however, there are also expanded text ads and display ads located in the account.

Recommendation: We should focus on geo targets like New York  & LA and other areas that showed promise by searching through the data available in Google analytics and ads.  Expanded text ads are being phased out and no longer available moving forward. We should only use responsive search ads because they allow us to use multiple descriptions in headlines and let the system automatically decide which ones to run based on their performance and who’s viewing the ads . There are also a variety of ad extensions that have been in play on the account; these all look great and we recommend continuing use in maximizing their availability with all ads we serve .

Responsive Display Ads will let us create multiple Display Ads without needing advanced graphics support so we recommend testing creative and messaging with these.

  • Keywords –Keywords are relatively straightforward.  Obviously service-based Keywords like acting schools, drama school, acting academy and similar are generating the vast majority of conversion actions from visitors. Specific school names and university names are also looking to be successful in this account and we recommend setting up a competitor campaign solely based on them.
  • Recommendation:  Not alot to recommend in this area. We may have some success by reviewing the search terms report and picking up some KW additions by seeing what other terms we have triggered but for the most part we know what to show up for.
  • Location & Ad Scheduling- The vast majority of locations targeted in these campaigns have been in the United States in North America although there are some International targets that are showing up that have served ads and generated clicks to website. There are also clear times of day where conversions are more likely to happen similar to a business-to-business or other professional search campaign. This is between 6AM and 6PM each day.  No Ad Scheduling has been found on any active campaigns.
    • Recommendation: We recommend adding positive and adjustments to the times between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. each day on your busiest days we also recommend putting positive bid adjustments on the locations that have generated the most conversions so far, New York and LA and other locations we will find on further review.  Likewise bid adjustments on top performing locations can help us focus our efforts on known recruiting hot spots. 
  • Bid Adjustments, Devices – No bid adjustments  have been found in on any devices locations, ad scheduling or audiences
  • Recommendation: We should put bid adjustments on the locations devices and ad schedules that make the most sense for us. We should also consider positive adjustments for calls if we want to generate more calls.
  • Audiences & Placements – Systems generated audiences have been found in use on the account however there are also other audiences that have been generated that do not have enough reach to be in play . Data Sources are actively building audiences through both GA and G. Ads.
  • Recommendation: Audiences may play an important part in improving the account efficiency in terms of search and display. We can use targeting targeting or observation targeting to put positive adjustments on audiences that will have a higher potential of converting and resulting in an admission to the school . These adjustments include economic income, household status,  personal interest as well as age and education .
  • Conversions Conversions are set up in the account recording both contact form submissions as well as calls from ads we may want to add calls from website if they are not currently being tracked if you want I can do a Google analytics and Google tag manager review as well
  • Recommendation:  Unless you don’t want to track calls from website,  then I don’t have any other recommendations for conversions.
  • Devices-  Device data may offer some interesting insights  for us to use in the future, it appears that there is a combination of primarily mobile and desktop traffic to visit the site it seems that computers convert at a higher rate representing 24% of clicks and 41.6% of conversions there may be an opportunity for us to put positive adjustments on desktop devices to increase our exposure there and therefore increase conversions generated overall.

Recommendation: Positive Bid Adjustments on Desktop